# | 文件名称 | 文件大小 |
1 | (3974) 80x80 Servo Motor Bracket (MBA-15E) STEP214.sldprt | 123 KB |
2 | (3974) 80x80 Servo Motor Bracket aangepast voor fk17.sldprt | 151 KB |
3 | 123.SLDASM | 9.89 MB |
4 | 123.STEP | 43.4 MB |
5 | 123213.sldprt | 41.6 KB |
6 | 1560_400W_ECMA-C20604RS.sldprt | 840 KB |
7 | 17233000.sldprt | 125 KB |
8 | 17234800.sldprt | 174 KB |
9 | 1761_ECMA-C20807SS_STEP214.sldprt | 418 KB |
10 | 2 stage air cilnder.sldprt | 38.1 KB |
11 | 234.sldprt | 42.4 KB |
12 | 25-5T3-FSI-R.sldprt | 38.1 KB |
13 | 2505 L800.sldprt | 39.4 KB |
14 | 3908_FK17_STEP214.sldasm | 2.52 MB |
15 | 5v oli verdeler.sldprt | 254 KB |
16 | 6007 Bearing_5972K85.sldprt | 51 KB |
17 | 7008 AC Bearing_2385K48.sldprt | 49.8 KB |
18 | 7008 Bearing Spacer_2385K48.sldprt | 27.3 KB |
20 | Afdekkap M12 inbusbout.sldprt | 26.8 KB |
21 | Aluminium basis v2.sldprt | 312 KB |
22 | Assem1^Kolom beton.sldasm | 33.3 KB |
23 | BF15-HiwinCorporation-02-07-2017.sldprt | 39.5 KB |
24 | BF17.sldprt | 122 KB |
25 | BT ER刀具.SLDPRT | 593 KB |
26 | BT30 ER32 COLLET NUT.sldprt | 44.6 KB |
27 | BT30 ER32 TOOL HOLDER.sldasm | 31 KB |
28 | BT30 Spindle - 50 tooth 5mm HTD Pulley.sldprt | 147 KB |
29 | BT30 Spindle - Body.sldprt | 46.9 KB |
30 | BT30 Spindle - Drive Dogs.sldprt | 28.3 KB |
31 | BT30 Spindle - Front Flange.sldprt | 35.7 KB |
32 | BT30 Spindle - Spindle Shaft.sldprt | 36.7 KB |
33 | BT30 Spindle - Top Nut.sldprt | 37.7 KB |
34 | BT30 Spindle - Top Retainer Flange.sldprt | 28.9 KB |
35 | BT30 Spindle Assembly.sldasm | 32.5 KB |
36 | Brug basisplaat binnenzijde achterkant.sldprt | 112 KB |
37 | Brug basisplaat binnenzijde voorkant.sldprt | 109 KB |
38 | Brug basisplaat buitenzijde achterkant.sldprt | 58.3 KB |
39 | Brug basisplaat buitenzijde voorkant.sldprt | 58.3 KB |
40 | Brug compleet.sldasm | 46.5 KB |
41 | Brug las samenstelling.sldasm | 35.4 KB |
42 | Brug samenstelling.sldasm | 58.6 KB |
43 | COLLET ER 32-_ER 32-GB 12X9 DIN ISO.sldprt | 148 KB |
44 | Copy (2) of Part3^onderstel.sldprt | 27.5 KB |
45 | Copy of Copy (2) of Part3^onderstel.sldprt | 27.4 KB |
46 | Copy of Copy of Part32^onderstel.sldprt | 26.7 KB |
47 | Copy of Copy of Part3^onderstel.sldprt | 27.6 KB |
48 | Copy of Copy of Part5^Assem1_Kolom beton.sldprt | 34.1 KB |
49 | Copy of Part10^Assem1_Kolom beton.sldprt | 22.9 KB |
50 | Copy of Part11^Assem1_Kolom beton.sldprt | 27.9 KB |
51 | Copy of Part12^Assem1_Kolom beton.sldprt | 58.8 KB |
52 | Copy of Part15^Brug samenstelling.sldprt | 32.5 KB |
53 | Copy of Part15^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 25.1 KB |
54 | Copy of Part2^base assembly v3 concrete.sldprt | 140 KB |
55 | Copy of Part2^double nutt bracket.sldprt | 27.8 KB |
56 | Copy of Part2^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 35.4 KB |
57 | Copy of Part3^Assem1_Kolom beton.sldprt | 56 KB |
58 | Copy of Part3^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 45.7 KB |
59 | Copy of Part3^onderstel.sldprt | 27.3 KB |
60 | Copy of Part5^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 42.4 KB |
61 | Copy of Part6^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 42 KB |
62 | Copy of Part8^Assem1_Kolom beton.sldprt | 22.6 KB |
63 | Copy of Part8^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 34 KB |
64 | Copy of Part9^Assem1_Kolom beton.sldprt | 26.9 KB |
65 | DCNC-D40-L65_STEP203.sldasm | 32.7 KB |
66 | E-BT30 -ER 32 COLLET CHUCK.sldprt | 55.6 KB |
67 | ECMA-C20807RS STEP214.sldprt | 400 KB |
68 | Epoxy granite VMC.STEP | 60.1 MB |
69 | Epoxy granite VMC.err | 14.8 KB |
70 | FK15-B-HiwinCorporation-02-07-2017.sldprt | 38.6 KB |
71 | Fanuc Beta_iI_8000 Spindle Motor.sldprt | 453 KB |
72 | Flexible coolant boquilla_Predeterminado.sldprt | 46.5 KB |
73 | Flexible coolant conexion_Predeterminado.sldprt | 49 KB |
74 | Flexible coolant_Predeterminado.sldprt | 47.5 KB |
75 | GX16-4P.sldprt | 730 KB |
76 | HGH15CAZ0C.SLDPRT | 406 KB |
77 | HGH15CAZ0C.sldasm | 32.1 KB |
78 | HGR15R400C.sldprt | 148 KB |
79 | HGR25R1000.sldprt | 53.7 KB |
80 | HGR25R12002C.sldprt | 50.9 KB |
81 | HGR30R760C.sldprt | 61.5 KB |
82 | HGW25CCZAC - 副本.sldprt | 424 KB |
83 | HGW25CCZAC.sldprt | 426 KB |
84 | HGW30CAZACSS.sldprt | 536 KB |
85 | Hoeklijn kabelrups.sldprt | 28.4 KB |
86 | ID_1.sldprt | 64.5 KB |
87 | ID_1_2.sldprt | 86.9 KB |
88 | ID_2.sldprt | 86.6 KB |
89 | Imported.sldprt | 59.4 KB |
90 | Imported_10.sldprt | 27.1 KB |
91 | Imported_11.sldprt | 26.2 KB |
92 | Imported_12.sldprt | 26.6 KB |
93 | Imported_13.sldprt | 26.2 KB |
94 | Imported_14.sldprt | 26.2 KB |
95 | Imported_15.sldprt | 41.9 KB |
96 | Imported_16.sldprt | 41.4 KB |
97 | Imported_17.sldprt | 25.9 KB |
98 | Imported_18.sldprt | 26.4 KB |
99 | Imported_19.sldprt | 26.6 KB |
100 | Imported_2.sldprt | 43.7 KB |
101 | Imported_20.sldprt | 26.7 KB |
102 | Imported_21.sldprt | 26.6 KB |
103 | Imported_22.sldprt | 26.2 KB |
104 | Imported_23.sldprt | 26 KB |
105 | Imported_24.sldprt | 26.5 KB |
106 | Imported_25.sldprt | 26.4 KB |
107 | Imported_26.sldprt | 27.1 KB |
108 | Imported_27.sldprt | 27.5 KB |
109 | Imported_28.sldprt | 48.3 KB |
110 | Imported_29.sldprt | 144 KB |
111 | Imported_3.sldprt | 31.4 KB |
112 | Imported_30.sldprt | 42.1 KB |
113 | Imported_31.sldprt | 29.4 KB |
114 | Imported_32.sldprt | 28.6 KB |
115 | Imported_33.sldprt | 55.8 KB |
116 | Imported_34.sldprt | 35.5 KB |
117 | Imported_35.sldprt | 35.8 KB |
118 | Imported_36.sldprt | 36.3 KB |
119 | Imported_37.sldprt | 35.3 KB |
120 | Imported_4.sldprt | 27.1 KB |
121 | Imported_5.sldprt | 26.8 KB |
122 | Imported_6.sldprt | 26.3 KB |
123 | Imported_7.sldprt | 26.5 KB |
124 | Imported_8.sldprt | 26.6 KB |
125 | Imported_9.sldprt | 26.5 KB |
126 | Kolom beton v1.sldprt | 103 KB |
127 | Kolom beton.sldasm | 74.1 KB |
128 | Labrinth Seal.sldprt | 24.4 KB |
129 | MirrorCopy of Part15^Brug samenstelling.sldprt | 32.4 KB |
130 | MirrorPart15^Brug samenstelling.sldprt | 33.1 KB |
131 | Montageplaat X-as lagerblok.sldprt | 31 KB |
132 | Montageplaat X-as motorbeugel.sldprt | 27.8 KB |
133 | Montageplaat Y-as moer.sldprt | 26.5 KB |
134 | Montageplaat wagens Y-as.sldprt | 27 KB |
135 | Montagestrip rails X-as.sldprt | 36.9 KB |
136 | Montagestrip rails Z-as.sldprt | 44.8 KB |
137 | Montagestrip rails Z-as2.sldprt | 45.5 KB |
138 | Opspantafel samenstelling.sldasm | 49.7 KB |
139 | PRODUCT_ID_121.sldprt | 51.6 KB |
140 | PRODUCT_NAME_2.sldprt | 33.8 KB |
141 | PULL STUD.sldprt | 31.9 KB |
142 | Part10^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 28.5 KB |
143 | Part10^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 34.2 KB |
144 | Part11^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 30.8 KB |
145 | Part11^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 37.9 KB |
146 | Part12^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 36.4 KB |
147 | Part12^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 28.5 KB |
148 | Part13^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 71.7 KB |
149 | Part13^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 28.3 KB |
150 | Part15^Brug samenstelling.sldprt | 32.4 KB |
151 | Part15^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 24.7 KB |
152 | Part15^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 24.1 KB |
153 | Part16^Brug samenstelling.sldprt | 30.7 KB |
154 | Part16^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 29.9 KB |
155 | Part16^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 28.9 KB |
156 | Part17^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 26 KB |
157 | Part18^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 24.4 KB |
158 | Part1^Assem1_Kolom beton.sldprt | 69.8 KB |
159 | Part1^Brug compleet.sldprt | 27.5 KB |
160 | Part1^Kolom beton.sldprt | 37.5 KB |
161 | Part1^Opspantafel samenstelling.sldprt | 48 KB |
162 | Part1^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 35.6 KB |
163 | Part1^coolant verdeel assembly.sldprt | 57.5 KB |
164 | Part1^double nutt bracket.sldprt | 26.8 KB |
165 | Part1^dubbele moer 25mm.sldprt | 27.8 KB |
166 | Part1^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 58.3 KB |
167 | Part1^spindel assembly.sldprt | 30.9 KB |
168 | Part2^Opspantafel samenstelling.sldprt | 24.8 KB |
169 | Part2^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 28 KB |
170 | Part2^base assembly v3 concrete.sldprt | 134 KB |
171 | Part2^double nutt bracket.sldprt | 27.5 KB |
172 | Part2^dubbele moer 25mm.sldprt | 27.2 KB |
173 | Part2^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 34.7 KB |
174 | Part2^luchtcilinder definitief.sldprt | 62.9 KB |
175 | Part2^onderstel.sldprt | 26 KB |
176 | Part3^Brug compleet.sldprt | 30.1 KB |
177 | Part3^Kolom beton.sldprt | 30.5 KB |
178 | Part3^Opspantafel samenstelling.sldprt | 39.5 KB |
179 | Part3^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 30.9 KB |
180 | Part3^base assembly v3 concrete.sldprt | 62.6 KB |
181 | Part3^dubbele moer 25mm.sldprt | 35.7 KB |
182 | Part3^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 44.9 KB |
183 | Part3^onderstel.sldprt | 30.7 KB |
184 | Part4^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 33.6 KB |
185 | Part4^dubbele moer 25mm.sldprt | 27.1 KB |
186 | Part4^onderstel.sldprt | 25.9 KB |
187 | Part5^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 27.5 KB |
188 | Part5^base assembly v3 concrete.sldprt | 23 KB |
189 | Part5^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 42.9 KB |
190 | Part6^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 29.7 KB |
191 | Part6^base assembly v3 concrete.sldprt | 26.6 KB |
192 | Part6^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 38.9 KB |
193 | Part7^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 29.1 KB |
194 | Part7^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 30.3 KB |
195 | Part8^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 30.7 KB |
196 | Part8^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 30.5 KB |
197 | Part9^atc opzet v3.sldprt | 39.2 KB |
198 | Part9^base assembly v3 concrete.sldprt | 30.9 KB |
199 | Part9^kop samenstelling staal.sldprt | 34.1 KB |
200 | Smeerleiding 1.sldprt | 29.4 KB |
201 | Smeerleiding 2.sldprt | 30 KB |
202 | Smeerleiding 3.sldprt | 32.6 KB |
203 | Smeerleiding 4_Default_As Machined_.sldprt | 29.9 KB |
204 | Smeerleiding 5.sldprt | 30 KB |
205 | Smeerleiding brug 1.sldprt | 31.9 KB |
206 | Smeerleiding brug 2.sldprt | 32.3 KB |
207 | Smeerleiding brug 3.sldprt | 31.9 KB |
208 | Smeerleiding brug 4.sldprt | 31.9 KB |
209 | Smeerleiding brug 5.sldprt | 32 KB |
210 | Smeerleiding klemblok_2-Voudig bovenkant.sldprt | 32.2 KB |
211 | Smeerleiding klemblok_2-Voudig onderkant.sldprt | 32.6 KB |
212 | Smeerleiding klemblok_3-Voudig bovenkant.sldprt | 32.3 KB |
213 | Smeerleiding klemblok_3-Voudig onderkant.sldprt | 32 KB |
214 | Spindle Shaft Assembly.sldasm | 31.4 KB |
215 | T-moer plaat.sldprt | 57.9 KB |
216 | Verstevigingsrib type 1.sldprt | 48 KB |
217 | Verstevigingsrib type 2.sldprt | 43.6 KB |
218 | Verstevigingsrib type 3.sldprt | 53.1 KB |
219 | Verstevigingsrib type 4.sldprt | 40.2 KB |
220 | Verstevigingsrib type 5.sldprt | 39.7 KB |
221 | Z轴上端传感器.SLDPRT | 72.4 KB |
222 | _ x 1-8 - CONTROLE DE FLUXO 90_BANJO (C0K510818).sldprt | 142 KB |
223 | achterplaat atc.sldprt | 197 KB |
224 | afstand sensor.sldprt | 27.3 KB |
225 | aircilinder mainbody.sldprt | 134 KB |
226 | alu plaat onderkant.sldprt | 43.9 KB |
227 | atc draagarm.sldprt | 194 KB |
228 | atc opzet v3.sldasm | 227 KB |
229 | base assembly v3 concrete.sldasm | 84.6 KB |
230 | beton basis.sldprt | 113 KB |
231 | beugel1 homesensor.sldprt | 34.8 KB |
232 | bt30 houder___ _________.sldprt | 289 KB |
233 | cilinder beugel - 副本 - 副本.sldprt | 154 KB |
234 | cilinder beugel - 副本.sldprt | 126 KB |
235 | cilinder beugel.sldprt | 91.1 KB |
236 | clamping device washer_din_DIN 6340-10.5.sldprt | 23.5 KB |
237 | contragewicht cilinder.sldasm | 30.7 KB |
238 | coolant nozle kort.sldasm | 27.7 KB |
239 | coolant verdeel assembly.sldasm | 30.6 KB |
240 | cross recessed cheese head screws gb.sldprt | 241 KB |
241 | double nutt bracket.sldasm | 37.7 KB |
242 | dubbele moer 25mm.sldasm | 36.5 KB |
243 | eind lager montage block.sldprt | 31.7 KB |
244 | eind lager montage blockbk17.sldprt | 28.7 KB |
245 | european type roller chain wheel_s_din_Chain wheel DIN 8192 - B 15Z 08B-1 --15SB57H30L20N.sldprt | 85.9 KB |
246 | fghdhgfd.sldprt | 31.4 KB |
247 | gearbox.sldprt | 103 KB |
248 | gfhhfg.sldprt | 30.9 KB |
249 | hex bolt gradeab_din_DIN EN 24014 - M10 x 45 x 26-N.sldprt | 33.3 KB |
250 | hex bolt gradeab_din_DIN EN 24014 - M16 x 65 x 38-N.sldprt | 33.9 KB |
251 | hex screw gradeab_din_DIN EN 24017 - M6 x 12-N.sldprt | 32.5 KB |
252 | hexagon socket head cap screws gb.sldprt | 212 KB |
253 | hiwin 2005 nut.sldprt | 38.9 KB |
254 | home schakelaar beugel zas.sldprt | 29.7 KB |
255 | home sensor.sldprt | 33.6 KB |
256 | jjgj.sldprt | 41.3 KB |
257 | jkhkh.sldprt | 31 KB |
258 | kabel rups strip 1.sldprt | 27.4 KB |
259 | koel body.sldprt | 62 KB |
260 | kop samenstelling staal.sldasm | 48 KB |
261 | luchtcilinder definitief.sldasm | 33 KB |
262 | main block.sldprt | 39 KB |
263 | main block25.sldprt | 42 KB |
264 | main shaft.sldprt | 59.9 KB |
265 | mainbody.sldprt | 45.7 KB |
266 | montage blok servo lagerblok.sldprt | 33.2 KB |
267 | montage plaat kolom.sldprt | 96.5 KB |
268 | montage plug m10.sldprt | 38.2 KB |
269 | montage plug m6.sldprt | 37.8 KB |
270 | montage strippen rail.sldprt | 123 KB |
271 | motor montage plaat.sldprt | 147 KB |
272 | onderstel.sldasm | 35.3 KB |
273 | plain washers-s series-grade a gb.sldprt | 98.8 KB |
274 | pombeugel tijdelijk.sldprt | 32.2 KB |
275 | radial ball bearing_68_din_DIN 625 - 6004 - 12,SI,NC,12_68.sldprt | 217 KB |
276 | radial ball bearing_68_skf_SKF - 61810 - 32,SI,NC,32_68.sldprt | 35.4 KB |
277 | rail montage plaat.sldprt | 220 KB |
278 | sdfsdfs.sldprt | 41.6 KB |
279 | sdfsf.sldprt | 27.4 KB |
280 | sgfer.sldprt | 31.3 KB |
281 | socket countersunk head screw_din_DIN 7991 - M4 x 8 --- 5.6N.sldprt | 30 KB |
282 | socket head cap screw fine_din_DIN 912 M12x1.25 x 40 --- 40N.sldprt | 32.6 KB |
283 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M10 x 16 --- 16N.sldprt | 32.5 KB |
284 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M10 x 25 --- 25N.sldprt | 32.6 KB |
285 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M10 x 35 --- 35N.sldprt | 38.6 KB |
286 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M12 x 35 --- 35N.sldprt | 36.5 KB |
287 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M12 x 40 --- 40N.sldprt | 33.5 KB |
288 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M3 x 16 --- 16N.sldprt | 36.2 KB |
289 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M4 x 10 --- 10N.sldprt | 52 KB |
290 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M4 x 6 --- 6N.sldprt | 31.6 KB |
291 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M6 x 16 --- 16N.sldprt | 32.1 KB |
292 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M6 x 20 --- 20N.sldprt | 35.6 KB |
293 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M6 x 25 --- 25N.sldprt | 35.4 KB |
294 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M6 x 30 --- 30N.sldprt | 35.3 KB |
295 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M6 x 60 --- 24N.sldprt | 35.4 KB |
296 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M8 x 40 --- 28N.sldprt | 36.2 KB |
297 | socket head cap screw_din_DIN 912 M8 x 45 --- 28N.sldprt | 36 KB |
298 | socket set screw cone point_din_DIN 914 - M12 x 20-N.sldprt | 26.8 KB |
299 | socket set screw flat point_din_DIN 913 - M12 x 25-N.sldprt | 25.7 KB |
300 | spindel assembly.sldasm | 4.82 MB |
301 | spindle met motor assembly.sldasm | 34.8 KB |
302 | stelvoet verpas.sldprt | 61.5 KB |
303 | taper roller bearing_din_DIN 720 - 32006X - 18,SI,NC,18.sldprt | 34.2 KB |
304 | taper roller bearing_din_DIN 720 - 32009X - 22,SI,NC,22.sldprt | 34 KB |
305 | tool mounting plate.sldprt | 366 KB |
306 | toolsetter.sldprt | 75 KB |
307 | traficlight.sldprt | 53 KB |
308 | verankering frame m16 langebout.sldprt | 77 KB |
309 | verankering frame.sldprt | 38.3 KB |
310 | verbindings plaat arm.sldprt | 134 KB |
311 | vice.sldprt | 56 KB |
312 | wch立柱整体分2.SLDPRT | 415 KB |
313 | x axis spindle assembly.sldasm | 35.1 KB |
314 | yas spindle.sldprt | 32.6 KB |
315 | zijplaat contragewicht links.sldprt | 44.3 KB |
316 | zuigerstang.sldprt | 29.4 KB |
317 | 三维总图.png | 78 KB |
318 | 主视图.png | 54.6 KB |
319 | 主轴整体.SLDASM | 2.43 MB |
320 | 主轴箱0.1.SLDPRT | 524 KB |
321 | 主轴箱整体0.1.SLDASM | 246 KB |
322 | 传感器.SLDPRT | 73.6 KB |
323 | 俯视图.png | 44.4 KB |
324 | 刀库.SLDASM | 2.37 MB |
325 | 单单立柱.SLDPRT | 167 KB |
326 | 导轨001.SLDPRT | 379 KB |
327 | 工作台整体.SLDASM | 2.96 MB |
328 | 左视图.png | 41.9 KB |
329 | 底牌整体.SLDASM | 924 KB |
330 | 板子001.SLDPRT | 211 KB |
331 | 滑块001.SLDPRT | 445 KB |
332 | 甲板.SLDASM | 326 KB |
333 | 甲板01.SLDPRT | 1.17 MB |
334 | 立柱加导轨垫.SLDPRT | 207 KB |
335 | 立柱整体.SLDASM | 3.98 MB |
336 | 立柱整体分1.SLDPRT | 740 KB |
337 | 脑袋.SLDPRT | 165 KB |
338 | 脑袋脖子.SLDASM | 42.6 KB |
339 | 脑袋脖子.SLDPRT | 173 KB |
340 | 脑袋脖子2.SLDASM | 109 KB |
341 | 脑袋脖子2.SLDPRT | 133 KB |
342 | 装配体1.SLDASM | 84.4 KB |
343 | 装配体37.SLDASM | 1.95 MB |